

AOD or Always on display is an smartphone feature which is used  to customize screen while smart phone is asleep.this feature allows us to customize date,wheather,time,battery status and notification.


The battery drained by AOD ia negligible. therefore it is very useful feature on smartphone.
but we can't say that it doesn't drain battery. 

how much baatery is drained by AOD?

if we use full feature of always on display 1%-2%   battery is  drain.

how to enable AOD on any xiaomi device?

our main topic is to enable AOD on any xiaomi device. here the trick to enable always on display. as we know that miui 11 have this feature enabled but only in those devices having amold display.
here I am posting this video plz watch this.
if you like this video please like and comment your openion.

code copy from here

<!– whether support always on –>
<bool name=”support_aod”>true</bool>

FOR better underatanding watch this video.

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